## The security team appreciate your interest in the security of networkforensic. ## Please use the below point of contact for security findings only, if you as a vendor/sales person contact us directly on this e-mail will we mark your e-mail as spam. ## Please send relevant information about your security findings to: Contact: mailto:security@networkforensic.dk ## This information is only valid until: Expires: 2024-01-01T11:00:00.000Z ## Public encryption key. Please use it and and you own public key. Encryption: https://networkforensic.dk/well-known/gpg-key.txt ## We only publish information on this site with user consent from both parties on any given content. Acknowledgments: https://networkforensic.dk/well-known/hall-of-fame.html ## Please contact us in either Danish or English Preferred-Languages: da, en ## Our policy Policy: If security issues is found at any networkforensic owned device ore site, please use the contact information above. ## Hiring Hiring: Sorry we don't hire anyone. ## Bug Bounty / Reward Statement ## ----------------------------- ## Networkforensic does not have a bug bounty/reward program and will therefore not offer paid bug/security rewards. ## We might however offer a token of our appreciation to security researchers who take the time and effort to ## investigate and report security vulnerabilities to us. ## ## Best regards ## Networkforensic Security Team