
Threat hunting

Wireshark forensic profiles and tools

I build my own profiles for Wireshark when I need to get more logic out of Wireshark, Some of these profiles are published here for anyone to use. It will speed things up, when you analyse differet kinds of traffic. The profiles can be used on all OS type systems where Wireshark can run.

Related to all the fuss about Blast Radius attacks. I had to build a profile for Wireshark that gave me more logic to into the Radius protocoll. With this I found a lot of Brute-force attacks originating from Russian IP's. Something you easily will miss with normal default profiles for Wireshark. You can also spot 2FA auth with this and a lot more.

MQTT is a communication protocol with features specifically targeted at IoT solutions. It is also used by APT groups as C&C for malware. I have made some basic filters for analysis of the MQTT traffic. The below sample is based on a brute force attacks.

IEC-104 is a transmission protocols used for things like controlling a powergrid.
When analysing this protocol i can recommend the documentation TR-IEC104. Be aware that Wireshark do not interpet all element types. So this is the best it can be for now.

IcedID TLS Inspection
Hunting for the malware framework IcedID it is nessary to look for what names a certificate was issued with. Quite often it it a self signed certificate with bogus names. like this on with the name "localhost".


GQUIC or QUIC Profile (Updated 21-11-2023)
Looking for information about QUIC ore GQUIC. The newest protocol schould only be QUIC and was released in 2021 v.1. - GQUIC is obsolete.

ICMP Profile
Hunting for ICMP tunneling is quite easy with this Wireshark profile. Exampel of a pTunnel running below.

iSCSI profile
Hunting for iSCSI auth traffic and authentications. Easy to spot with this profile 

DHCP Profile (Updated 03-01-2021)
Often you will hunt for a rough DHCP server placed on your network. This profile will make this very easy.
Optimized for Wiresharek 3.x versions.

DNS Profile
This will make DNS identification easy and bring DNS traffic to life in Wireshark

SMB Profile (Many updates for this profile as of 02-01-2020)
This will bring the analysis of SMB, SMB2 and SMB3 network traffic to life in Wireshark. What you typically is looking for, is right there...
More information about MS implementation

DDOS profile (Updated 03-03-2022)
Based on my work for an ISP and the manage of Advanced DDOS mitigation. This is based on known DDOS attacks. You can analyze the type of attack quite fast. Tested Wireshark V2.6.3

Magic numbers profile
Based on file types and there magic numbers it is easy to look for different file types in network traffic like exe files and so on, hidden in network traffic. Tested Wireshark V2.6.3

Geolite2 databases for Wireshark
Wireshark can do name resolution on captured traffic.
To get the free updated
Maxmind databases you need to sign up for a profile first. (please do so)
You can get an older Maxmind databease
from here.